Aamir Khan shared a strong bong with each of his three kids – Ira Khan, Junaid Khan and Azad Rao Khan. During recent conversation, the actor’s daughter got candid about her parents, how they co-parent her and Junaid after their separation and much more. In a recent chat, Ira – who recently celebrated her first wedding anniversary with Nupur Shikhare, got candid about how protective Aamir was when she was growing up. From not letting her swim in deep water to checking on her in school, scroll below to know all she had to say.
Ira Khan: Aamir Khan was a ‘protective’ father
While chatting with People of India, Ira Khan reflected on Aamir Khan’s protectiveness saying, “He wouldn’t let me swim. He wouldn’t let me go in what was more than water till my waist in the ocean. I would be like I have been swimming since age three, just because you cannot swim… But he was a protective father.”
She continued, “He would travel and be on shoot, and I lived with my mom. But he would always check if anyone in school was troubling me or if everything was fine. We played a lot of board games and we were very competitive. All three of us- Junaid, dad and me. During Covid, we spent a lot of time together.”
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